
I have bought an HD SD Video camera and want to store the video externally. Is external HDD best? NAS device?

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I have a Panasonic HDC-SD9 camcorder and 2 x 8Gb SD cards. I will need to transfer the video from the SD cards to somewhere. What is anyones advice, probably digital picture advice rather than PC advice.




  1. I agree, external hard drives are your best bet, but you might also consider storing another copy onto dual layer DVDs. Since each card is about 8GB and DL DVDs are about 9GB, it'll be perfect for keeping track of the video on each card. In any case, you can get an external 1TB hard drive for $179, so storage shouldn't be an issue:

    Hope this helps!

  2. At the moment I don't thing you've got any real choice other than to go with a hard drive based solution, preferably at least two of them.  NAS seems to be an unnecessary complication, though it might be a good idea if you've an HTPC.

    Make sure you decide on a folder structure and naming convention that will let you find your videos, and run regular checks on the disks.

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