
I have braces and I cant eat properly!!!HELP!!!!?

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I have braces and I cant eat properly!!!HELP!!!!?




  1. How long have you had them? there going to be uncomfortable at first

  2. they're just sore cuz you probably just got will get easier as you get used to them...i ate a lot of spaghetti o's, soups, ice cream, you know, things that dont need a lot of chewing, but when the pain goes away, i always had to eat things like sandwiches, cheeseburgers, hot dogs by breaking off pieces instead of biting them, because stuff WILL get stuck in them, and you'll have to brush your teeth to get it out

  3. I usually only had soup after they tightened the wires...starved for days T_T

    Some people are less sensitive and can actually chew, but I still suggest soups of all kinds.

  4. it goes away after a week. i serisouly got mine like last monday and now i can eat fine, but before omg it was sucky

  5. I know its hard at first, but its gets easier...Try eating soft food like bread and fruit. :D

  6. There's not much you can do besides putting wax on your braces.  I had them for about 3 years... just got used to them after a while.

  7. If you just got them stick with soft food.  You will get used to them in time.

  8. go to the dentist

  9. if it hurts take aspirin.

    if it just hurts when u eat then eat popsicles or soup

    andd if they pokin u in the back of ur gums then put wax on them

    and if they hurt still then call ur orthodonist

  10. I went through the same problems when i first got my braces on.  I had major sores from the metal rubbing against my lips and pain from my teeth starting to move.  If these are the same problems you are having i suggest making yourself a smoothie you can drink through a straw.  Try adding fresh fruit like a banana or peaches, also add milk and yogurt for protein, (I also like to add bran buds and even spinach). This way you can get all your food groups into one shake.  Also foods like apples and carrots are hard to eat whole i suggest cutting them up into bite sized pieces.  Also foods like apples sauce, yogurt, and even soft bread work too!!  Hope this helps, I promise you it will be worth it in the end, I absolutely LOVE the way my teeth look now!!

  11. suck it up i have them you hooker

  12. did you just get them? if so thats why

    help me;...

  13. Same here. I got mine a few hours ago though. It feels really weird. Wow. I mean really wierd. I cant chew ANYTHING. I dont what everyone else is talking about but i can barley drink anything either! I pray I get used to it.  I pray you do too. Your not alone!

    God bless you guys.

  14. did u just get them becuz if u did it will go away ive had braces for 2 YEARS and ive got this apllience i gotta wear at night i hate them but im getting them off at the end of the skool year just remember wat ull look like wen u get them off i didnt wear my applience and they told me that ill hav to wear a huge thing in my mouth thats alot worse than braces...braces are the best thing to wear in the orthadontist world besides a retainer but u gotta wear braces before u get the retainer

    if uve had ur braces for more than a month talk to ur orthodontist about it h**l help

  15. Well, if you got them recently, they are going to be sore for two to three days. I suggest taking ibuprofen. If you mean the food getting stuck in your teeth, carry a toothbrush and visit the restroom after eating. I suggest avoiding foods like corn on the cob, raw apples, sticky/chewy candies, jawbreakers, and gum. Sorry but you're going to have to live with it for a while.

  16. ok this is wut i did, eat soups, and easy to chew things, for the 1st week, the you get used to it

    ex. soup, maybe fries, pop sickles, cereal, things like that, and like also string cheese, and ice cream.

    hope i helped!!

    p.s. your lucky, the day after i got braces, we flew to Acapulco Mexico, for our vacation! it was so hard on the plane, and restaurants because i barely could find things to eat, but i got used to it after a couple of days!

  17. just be patient and eat soft things like soup ice cream or things like that...

  18. If You Just Got Them, It'll Hurt For About a Week or Two, Depends On The Person Im Guessing, You Need To Chop Your Food In Smaller Sizes & Avoid Chewing Sticky & Hard Things. According To The Orthodontics, Your Never Supposed To Eat Any Sticky or Hard Foods, But Later You Get Used To Them & You'll Wind Up Eating Whatever You Want =]

  19. uhh what exactly is wrong? because i've been wearing my braces for two years and i eat fine.

  20. better start loving soups!

  21. Cut everything into bite size portions. That will help a bunch.

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