
I have camus' heart and satre's mind, which shall i kill?

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when camus and sartre couldn't stay friends for long!!




  1. heidegger's lungs.

  2. I don't know, but be sure to let us know as soon as you've got it figured out.

  3. "If Nietzsche and Hegel serve as alibis to the masters of Dachau and Karaganda, that does not condemn their entire philosophy. But it does lead to the suspicion that one aspect of their thought, or of their logic, can lead to these appalling conclusions." Camus

    Don't condemn everything of Satre's. Condemn only what lead to appalling conclusions.

  4. Ok, Nietzsche, calm down, you don't have to overman either.

    Instead, take Kierkegaard's shoes and realize Camus needed to love God (toward the end of his tenure he was discussing this with a Christian minister).

    With this move toward purifying sensibility, one's mind moves from Sartre's focus on making his monument via young women, a kind of entering into a second rebirth matrix. indicates one is much better served by a good, clean love dynamic, and one's mind follows more happily and healthily when so informed.  Then, Sartre could begin to appreciate his teacher Husserl more clearly, i.e., understanding what he missed the first time around, and finding a way up (epoche).

    "A Philosophy of Universality," O. M. Aivanhov,

    "The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet,

    "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?", Free and Wilcock.

  5. Neither, just be a little more accepting of your own existence.

  6. Its not easy dealing with the multiplicity and the richness of your own nature. Make them both friends.  

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