
I have canceled my car insurance and wont be getting a car for a few months. Will that damage my future rates?

by Guest60464  |  earlier

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I have canceled my car insurance and wont be getting a car for a few months. Will that damage my future rates?




  1. No

  2. There are lots of places where you can get a free insurance quote. It only takes 5 minutes to do.

  3. No!  of course not....

  4. possibly yes ,but wont cost as much as paying for ins. that you are not using..  google car insurance and will find sites where you put your own info in . it asks that question ..I just bought new insurance doing this and you great info.  I you can put diff info in to see the results.I saved lots of $.. you can do it now to see what it will be.

  5. Maybe this resources is useful for you,Have a look,it is free.Good luck for you.

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