
I have carpal tunnel so how do i bandage my wrist?

by Guest61721  |  earlier

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how do i make it heal??




  1. Is it for sure carpal tunnel? I am on a computer all day and I have bad wrists due to spraining them quite a few times. I've gotten repetitive stress injuries to my wrist where it hurts really bad, but if I baby it enough it gets better. ACE bandages can help, but I prefer to wear a brace that I picked up at Target. It has hard pieces of plastic running along the top and bottom inside of the fabric casing and it immobilizes my wrist pretty well. A week or so of wearing that and icing it regularly and it usually starts to feel better.  

  2. the idea here is to NOT move your the bandage should go around your wrist..

    and the only way to heal it, is to have the surgery for it...wrapping your wrist is only a temporary fix..The pain will return again..

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