
I have carpenter ants living in my crawls space & they are infesting my house

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Other than calling an exterminator what can I do?

I don't want to have to use chemical warfare. We have small children (ages 10 mos, 7 mos, 2, 3 & 4 years old) & house pets (3 cats, 2 dogs, a guinea pig, a hamster, & dozens of fish) ~ yes we are a very blended family. We've used ant traps but those aren't working. We have limited food & drink usage to the dining area only & still we have these things crawling everywhere. Up the walls, down the walls, in the bedrooms (not in the beds) We have a severe case of these crawling monsters. Beside the fact the I know they are eating away at the wood in my walls & at my floor joist ~ they are embarrassing. When people come over & you have bugs everywhere. What to do & FAST!!!




  1. You could try turning up the heat and leaving the house. Be sure to remove all plants and animals, about 150F for 3-4 hoours should do it. If not then the quickest soultion is to call a professional fumigation co. As you need to kill the eggs as well as the live ants. For this all pets and perhaps plants would have to be removed for 2-3 days.

  2. Add an Ant Eater to your collection of pets?

  3. Do you realize the damage they can do to a house?   I have a feeling that you really don't have a clue.

    Resorting to chemicals is the ONLY way to get rid of them.  You might have to face the cost of a contractor to repair the house if you don't

  4. I'm sorry to say I would call an exterminator. Carpenter ants are like termites they live, eat and nest in damp wood.

    Let them explain what your options are. I don't think you will have to worry about your pets or children as long as they stay out of the treated area.

  5. Call the verminator

  6. I had carpentor ants-I did resort to chemicals.

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