
I have cheering practice tomorrow...?

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I'm a freshman and it's my first practice in High School.

i have a feeling it'll be different from middle school.

what should i wear?

how should I act? Should I speak up or just listen?




  1. If your practicing you should wear something comfortable and something you can move in like soffe shorts and comfy shirt. I would recommend keeping you hair out of your face in a pony tail. Definitely listen up and speak up if you have to.

    I'm not a cheerleader but I'm a dancer so hope I helped.

  2. I had my first freshman cheer practice in like march!!  Hah....just listen on your first practice because its a LOT different than middle school...just wear SOFFE shorts and a t-shirt....preferably a shirt with your high schools logo on it but if not just wear a t-shirt!!

    Good luck!!

  3. where something very comfy and easy to move around in. and defenitley speak up!

  4. Dress in something you feel comfortable in, yet appropriate for practice. Just act like yourself, don't try to be someone else. Be polite and friendly. Know when to listen, and when to speak up. Don't get chatty too chatty, and don't talk over people. Try hard to learn all the moves and cheer loud and proud.


  5. ok r u a girl or guy?

    i say if ur a guy listen if a girl speak up for sure.

  6. dont speak up, your a freshmen so listen and try to follow exact instructions

    wear whatever your comfortable in, you dont want to be  pulling on clothes while stunting

  7. dont worry about it!! it'll be fine!! yeah its different than middle school (atleast it was at my school)

    you should wear-cheer shorts and a tee shirt and sneakers!

    you should act like your self and cheer the best that you can! you should speak up when you think you should say something but its always good to listen to what the other people on the team has to say!!

    good luck and have fun!! :]

  8. -wear some soffe shorts and just a tshirt.

    -please DONT roll your shorts too high or come in just a sports just makes you look like your trying to hard to get attention..get your attention by being a good cheerleader. =]

    -pull your hair back.

    -if an upperclassman is trying to help you dont get mad or embarrassed. trust me they are trying to HELP you. they want you to look good! =]

    -be loud while cheering..but dont chit chat with your friends when you are learning things..its MUCH easier to move through everything.

    -be respectful to the coach and everyone else.

    -if you dont understand something. ASK! im sure they would be glad to help. =]

    -dont be something your not. stay true to yourself.

    -have fun!

    sorry it was so long. ;)

  9. wear clothes that are easy to move in, and speak up if its really important.  

  10. wear what you feel comfortable in nd act yourself

    u dont want these people too think you are something your not.

    then you might get caught in the end.

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