
I have chronic muscle spasms radiating around my entire midsection just towards the bottom of my rib cage..?

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I have been tested for EVERYTHING and still the dr. can't find anything. I've had this now for almost two years and its getting worse. I can't sleep very well as even the slightest move at night causes it to spasm. The only thing the doc has done is to put me on painkillers. I take 5mg of percoset w/o the tylenol as I am also allergic to NSAIDS. I also take Tramadol/Ultram several times day. The valium and Methcarbamol does not work for me at all. Again, I've had MRI's, CT Scans, Ultrasounds of the entire area and nothing is coming up. The only consistent thing in my bloodwork is that I have a really high C-Reactor Protein level (inflammation). I'm doing yoga and I'm swimming and that seems to help a little bit, but some days I can't even get out of bed due to the pain. It just feels like I'm being squeezed from the middle. Sneezing and coughing are pure torture! Does anyone know what could be causing these back spasms? Is there anything that anyone has found to work for the spasms? I can't imagine living like this for the rest of my life. P.S. - Can't get massages because I have Chronic Urticaria (Hives) and any pressure causes a major breakout... my body thinks its under attack and sends tons of histamines. Plus I think Lactic Acid overproduces as well. I'm a mess!




  1. You may want to go see a pain clinic.  He may be able to find the source of the pain and give you alternative options to relieve your pain.  Good luck! [chronic pain is the worst]

  2. There are many examples where no diagnosis of certain illnesses in patients have  been done, even after using the most sophisticated systems of investigation. Patients continue to suffer and at the same time are subject to lot of symptomatic treatment.

    The effect of the undiagnosed disease, the side effects and complications of drugs and the constant emotional trauma to patients are causing great agony to sufferers. Even though I am practicing western allopathic medicine I do not hesitate to advice patients to try another system of medicine.

    If no diagnosis has been made and no relief of pain occurs with our system it is better to think of turning into other systems like Ayurveda, Acupuncture or even spiritual methods of healing.

    I have seen patients getting cured , when our system has failed.

    Iam a medical doctor.

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