
I have cockatiels that have layed three eggs and i need help!!?

by  |  earlier

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The birds are taking care of the eggs. I have them in there cage with towels around the cage to keep it dark. but i have left a prity big space open so they can breathe and see the light. i have bought them cuttlebones. i also bought them vitamins for there water. i also put timothy hay on the bottom of the cage with some cotton stuff. but am i doing it right? or do i need to now something else? they have three eggs right now and two are normal size but one is half the size of the others is that bad? please someone answer me quick thank you!




  1. First make sure there alive by putting a flash light over the egg and seeing if there is red viens if there is theres a chick in there....Most likely all you can do right now is watch the parents take care of the

  2. try moving the eggs into a dish of some sort. DONT TOUCH THEM WITH YOUR HANDS!! we usually use a table spoon. place another dish of water on the bottom of the cage so the birds can moisten the eggs. clean this water when ever it is dirty (at least once a day). place paper towel on the bottom of your cage and under the eggs. this will prevent splayed leg if the eggs do hatch. dont use woodchips or newspaper. both are bad. the woodchips give off fumes and the newspaper is too slick! the hen will lay one every other day. she will stick to her schedule. she can lay any where from three to twelve eggs. they usually average around 6-9. this is called their clutch. im sorry to say that most first time parents dont do so well. you do need to be prepared if the eggs do hatch! there are plenty of things that can go wrong. for instance they need to be fed every two hours! make sure you keep plenty of calcium in the diet (which you are doing very well by providing the cuddle bone). you do not need to keep the cage dark. in fact you dont want to change more than you have to about the cage because you dont want to put any extra stress on the pair than you have to. Cockatiels lay because they fell very secure and loved. if you change that they feel very uncomfortable. it is good to keep a calandar on when the eggs are laid. it usually takes 19-21 days for the eggs to hatch and they will hatch in the same order they were laid. keep a very close eye on the hen because if she seems to act sick or week you should check in with your avian vet. i posted a link at the bottom to help you find one in your area if you dont already have one. good luck and if you have any questions you can email me

    i hope everything goes well!

  3. You need to have a male in with the females to fertilize the egg.You will also need a nesting box.DO NOT REMOVE THE EGGS! This is important, because cockatiels will replace a lost egg as soon as they can, and this depletes their calcium reserves. Provide her with a box and let her lay a clutch - 4-6 eggs - and incubate them. The box should be about 10-12 inches square with a hole cut in one side. She'll sit on them for about 3 weeks, and when they don't hatch, she'll give up on them.But if they are fertile,you really need to get them up off the floor before they get crushed.

  4. You don't need to keep the cage dark?

    The birds need to have daylight - at least 14-16 hours of it, actually.

    If you don't have a nestbox, you shouldn't be trying to breed them.

    Are you sure you have a male and female? If not, the eggs will not be fertile anyways.

  5. You also need broccoli and a dish of water, big enough for them to sit in. Yes keep the cage dark and try not to bother the parents o much if you get them scared they might trample the eggs. The birds are going to be very protective too so you won't be able to get the eggs unles both parent are away from the eggs. Look at this site. and this one Good luck, and when they hatch post pics! I have a female cockatiel and she did great when she layed eggs, if you need to you can email me just go to my profile.

  6. take all the stuff out of the bottom of the cage do u have a breeding box that is what they need so the eggs dont get damged take the towels down and leave the birds alone and everthing should be fine i use to have birds if u have  any questions feel free to contact me by e mail.

  7. i use to have cockatiels. only one hatched, and we gave it to my cousin, who's a bird breeder. they had 6 eggs. i think it will be fine, theres no guarentee it will hatch, sorry to say :/ but it has just as much of a chance as the other eggs.

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