
I have come to the realisation that no one can help me..?

by  |  earlier

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but myself....Now what how do I begin, to resolve these issues with my mind that have started effecting me on the body level as well..

Please guide




  1. You get a sitting ovation for that statement !  Congrats to you. You may be referring to "psychosomatic". After a while, your mind will start telling your bodies chemicals to start messing up.  In turn, you start feeling bad whereas you had been sick or exposed to someone who was sick.

    Use positive thinking over and over again--"I am not sick", "I can do this", etc.  Trust me it should work.

    Good luck.

  2. not sure what your issues are, so i'll try to answer your question

    weigh out all the pros and cons, cover all the possible out comes of each. rationalize with the issue at hand, realize that there are consequences with each decision and that they can go either way no matter which way you choose.


  3. Good situation! Now you can start a fresh! Start from the ground level, with no ego of past. Shri Dhiru Bhai Ambani started afresh in his fourtees without much money in his hand, achieved everything in his own life through managing people as per his own wishes. If he can do, why not you a bit?

  4. Yes No one can help you.

    It is You and only You can help yourself. Think it over.

    Believe in yourself. Have faith in God. Don't spoil your health in taking tensions.

  5. Guide, wish I could help but you did not explain the issues you are referring to.  

  6. What is your question? If at all you post your question then you'll get relevant answers, but without question what we have to answer & you yourself coming to the conclusion that nobody can help you.

  7. liston good music & read good books.

      that makes you strong again to stand farmly to your place.

    ask quesions on this media take help from others.

  8. It would help if you'd said what issues. As it happens, there are people training in telling you how to help yourself - they are counsellors. Or therapists. If it's severe enough. Otherwise, friends might give you advice if you decide to be less obtuse.

  9. stay strong, everyone goes thru' it, just stay strong and you're the winner!

  10. ummmmm..............thanx for the two points.

  11. realization, that no one can help you but you is the first great step to the happiness

    now- just do what you feel like  

  12. Start feeding your mind with positive and hopeful thoughts.  When you don't feel like it do it anyway. Force feed your mind. You are in control of the thoughts that come to your mind. Talk back to them....Say no I won't be overwhelmed by negativity...

    Say,  I CHOOSE to believe the very best no matter what. You must choose a belief system. Believe in something !  If not the power of crazy and wild thoughts will linger and make you confused and very un-peaceful !  

    You should get the book I ordered online that is personalized just for YOU.  Has your own name throughout the book and a journal in the back...If you will put action into your positive thoughts and not just let them come and go without a challenge, you will never overcome your own thoughts...You can change your thought "patterns" to things that bring you peace and hope....This book is great.  It is owned by some professional athletes and they use it to inspire and encourage themselves.  It will give you power over yourself and your own negativity. Change your thinking and YOU will change everything around you.  Your preceptions will change...Your self image will change into someone very positive. Learn how special you really are and there is a purpose in this life that only you can fulfill !!!  Get something that will Help.. You can help yourself if you put forth the effort no matter what....Decide what you will do for YOU !!!  You can do it. Change your thoughts and your habits will change...Work on it !  YOU can do it !!!  See the book at the site below.  Fill out the first info page and you can see your book before you buy.  It's a great investment to put into your own well being.  YOU deserve the best life ever !!! Go go it !

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