
I have completed my B.E but intrested in animation.Is switching good for my carrier

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i am very intersted in doing animation. But at present i have an Enginnering job offer in my hand with handsome salary...what should i do now?? i'm confused




  1. well that depends on you..i mean the way you do the work,animation is something which has no limits.its completely imagiantory...well if you are good at making people view ur great imaginations(worthy) its u have an BE degree in hand...try ur hand at animation too if u feel like,learn practice n know more....because u should not regret that u didnt do that later.

    its no prob if u dont succeed still u can earn bucks working hard with your degree

  2. Sure, You won’t work even a single day if you like that work

    Now a day’s animation and graphics design field is booming and opportunities are surplus. Quickly you can take up some course in animation and graphic and obtain certification which helps you to find a good placement as you are not having any art certification.

    Even you can get good salary in animation field but it takes time for you as you need to gain experiance.

    In marriage market enginneriars might get good bride :-).


  3. im also doin B.E but when iam interested in doing some other course i will switch to it whoever says i wont change,be urself dont sacrifice anything for anybody this is your life you have to live.dont worry about the job and the salary if u have desire to choose animation u do that .becaz when we study the subject in wat we are interested we will be more involved in that and we can shine in that field

  4. If you've just completed university, you're still at a point where you can change your career without too much trouble, but you should make this decision soon.

    Some things you probably want to consider while making your decision:

    1) Is wage or job satisfaction more important to you? I suspect that you would probably earn more money as an engineer, but if you have a love for animation, you'd get a lot more job satisfaction and enjoyment from that.

    2) Are you interested in 2D animation (as in the Disney classics) or 3D animation (as in the Pixar movies)? They are quite different fields.

    3) Are you a good artist? If you want to study 2D animation you must enjoy drawing and be good at fast sketching. (In 3D animation you'll learn to model and rig characters in 3D software instead, but artistic ability still helps somewhat).

    I would be inclined to say go for it, even if it means giving up a good job offer - if it turns out it's not what you hoped for, there will be other engineering jobs, but there will probably never be a time better than right now to study animation.

    Good luck!

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