
I have consipation a lot since last yeat u wonder know what does it come from?

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I have consipation a lot since last yeat u wonder know what does it come from?




  1. Have you been do the doc?  If not, you might want to go and see what he/she can do for you.  Also I don't know where the constipation is coming from but getting plenty of fiber might help you out a lot.

  2. I have this problem, but I found it helps a lot to get on a regular schedule. Try "Smooth Move" tea, you can get it at most stores and any health food store and drink one glass before bed. It really helps!

    And make sure to drink as much water as you can! ;-) Lots of H2O!

    Other things that work:

    500-1000 mg. Vit. C

    Lemon Juice

    Green Apples

    A one day juice diet

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