
I have court for a hit and run !!

by  |  earlier

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ok about four weeks ago i accidentally hit a car when i was pulling out of a parking spot but there wasnt any damage to mine or the other car so i just left..... and its been like a month so i thought i got away with it until i just got a paper in the mail saying i have a 400 dollar fine.. if i plea not guilty and just point blank lie and say i didnt hit a car ... can the fine go up like more or what . like i feel like i might as well try to fight it and see what happens... right ?blaaidk i dont have money haha




  1. Just go to jail. Don't pay!

  2. sure there was no damage to the other car? If so, then plead not guilty but admit it when you go to court and fight it by telling the judge that since there was no damage, and no one was injured, you didn't think it needed to be reported. I don't see how they can penalize you for that.

  3. If neither car had any damage, why would you get fined?  Are you sure the fine is for the car you thought you hit?  Could this person have crashed some time after that and are using the fact that you "bumped" into their car as a way to get it fixed?  If there is no damage, you don't need to file a police report, only if it's over $500 in damages.  They can't increase your fine.  Is someone trying to collect insurance money to get their car fixed?  I would want to see what the evidence is.  Anyone can spot a car, take the license plate number, and say you hit it or banged into it.  $400 is a lot of money!  Fight it.

  4. Call a lawyer he'll/she'll give you the best advice.

  5. if u lie in court u can get charged with pergury however it is spelled but be fore u lie see if u can see that where it happened has cameras u kno n is nothing else plea guilty with no contest good luck

  6. Actually, I know of a similar situation. Where a guy hit a old lady when he was drunk. Got his car repaired that night. The police came the next day and couldn't prove it. Now obviously this is a different situation. But if there is no proof of damage on your car. They can't exactly connect you to the crime. Because there is no evidence. I would plead not guilty and feed them a BS story, but If I were you I would check the area where the hit and run occurred and see if there are any cameras. If there are your screwed and then I would advise you to plead guilty. If you want your question better answered though by like a lawyer. I would post " Legal trouble, lawyers please help "

  7. if you get caught lying yes the fine can go up or you could end up in jail for lying under oath

  8. Oh, what a tangled web we weave when we try to deceive. Obviously you didn’t get away before someone got your license plate number. That means there is an eye witness, that means if you lie it will only get worse for you.        

  9. Hi, your picture is here and you are discussing a hit and run. How naive can you get.  Accept that you hit the car but when you noticed that there was no damage to either car you left, thinking it to be of no consequence. Tell the truth, do not lie as normally lying add to other problems and then you have to lie again. Tell the truth and get it over with. Some one and you never know may be here at Yahoo answers and have read all these posts. Do not take a chance, you are too young to go to jail. Pay the fine if you have to and be careful in future. Take care.

  10. Obviously somebody saw you, so lying isn't going to do any good.

    Hit and Run fines are revenu, so I don't see any easy way out of it.

    In other words, it's no skin off anybody's nose to prosecute you.

    In the future, just leave a note. If you get more that one hit and run in seven years, you will be in big trouble.

    it's gonna be more than $400.00 dollars with court costs, etc.

    Sorry-they aren't going to care if  you don't have any money.

    It's possible whoever's car you hit is just trying to take advantage of you. You don't have a leg to stand on because you didn't leave a note.

    Just try telling the truth and see what happens. Two wrongs never make a right but in the case I think you will be the one biting the big one. Live and learn. I'm sure the court will let you make payments.

  11. Sorry, but you're not supposed to leave if you hit someone or something.  I wouldn't lie if I were you.  

  12. If you got busted then someone had to have had some evidence you did this.  I suggest you go to the court, get on a payment plan, and pay you fine.

    In VA hit and run can be a class 1 misdemeanor.  That means you can get up to a year in jail if you are found guilty.  I suggest you just PAY THE FINE.

  13. The judge would find you in contempt of court and add another fine.

  14. Well if you can't pay, you're going to have to go to jail. I think I'd rather go to jail than pay.

  15. Do you know what the word perjury is?  If not, you may want to look it up!

    You knew what you were supposed to do legally but you decided, heck, no harm, no worries!  How do you think you got caught?  Hmmm...maybe a witness or more?  So, you better plan on telling the truth because I am sure there will be a witness to testify that it was you!

    If you lie in court (perjury), you can get a criminal charge and be arrested!

  16. not only can the fine go up but you can be charged with hit and run and be sent to jail. i bet you'll find the money then.

  17. Well somebody must have saw it and reported it to the police or you wouldn`t have got the paper. Pay it somehow and go on with your life.  

  18. pay the money you sorry *** democrat

  19. they may have had a camera in the parking lot or a witness claiming they saw you hit the car. if you deny you did it , then you will be paying for your own lawyer , which is going to be ALOT more than the 400 dollars. if you dont have the money right now , they will probably hook you up with a payment plan to the other party.

  20. You will get stuck with court costs, also. They probably have a "payment plan" that will allow you to pay the fine out over a period of time. I would check on that. They may allow you to pay the fine out over a few months. You could end up getting stuck with the fine, court costs, probation fees, restitution and more bs if you take the charge to court.

  21. thats funny, u have to tell them that u did cuz someone obiously saw u thats why u got the mail. U'll get charged more if u deny it. Its happen to me.

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