
I have court on Monday, a bank has subpoenaed me for discovery of assets. The amount is $39,000.00 owed.?

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I have no money, no job, no savings, no checking, no house, no income what-so-ever other than food stamps. I filed taxes in 2002 and that was the last income I had. I am helping my 86 year old wheelchair bound dialysis patient father and my mother who is 83 with a broken hip and my mentally challenged 52 year old sister and have been since 2005.I filed for dissability in 2007- L-3 L-4 ruptured disk and sciatia. I can barely walk now. What happens to me in this courtroom? What do I say? I would pay the money back if I could but I can't and I do know if I will ever be able to at this point in my life.

Sounds Pathetic- It Is! At least I am sure feeling this way.

Should I be worried about going to jail?

Do you have the answers and a solution? We are all biting our nails over here.

Can't afford an attorney, the free Attorney Help in this county is to busy and won't take the case.Do I file bankrupcy-how with no money?




  1. Guest21353

     I am ROSE SMITH from CANADA  a single parent, before my husband died he left us with so much DEBT that we could not cope with life, I was totally confused on what to do. When I was going through the internet I came across a POST by MARCUS CAFE about how Mrs JULIA NAVARO help him to get a loan so I applied for the loan from JULIA NAVARO through her mail ( of $200,000 with a duration of 10 years. When I was applying for the loan I made a vow to GOD that if I get the loan I will let the world know what she did for me, to my greatest surprise my loan was granted with

    an interest of 2%. I was able to settle my debt and start up a new life and business with a settled family. So if you want any type of loan for as low as 2% please contact JULIA NAVARO on her mail just fulfilled my vow.

  2. get off the internet and use this money to start paying your debts

  3. well, you can squeeze blood from a stone

    they will want you to prove that you have nothing... so as long as you can do that then i dont think that there is much they can do about it.

    good luck!

  4. discovery of assets? What assets? if you say you have nothing then there should be no assets.

    I guess all you can do is file for bankruptcy- but how can you owe a bank $39,000?

  5. You can't go to jail.  I'm guessing at court they are going to ask you about your assets.  Be truthful.

    As for bankruptcy, most bankruptcy attorneys offer a free consultation.  Also, you might be eligible for free legal help from your local legal aid office.

  6. Why is the bank suing you? I'm confused, who's assets were "discovered"?

    Sorry, I get your concerns, but I don't understand why you are being sued specifically. more info may better help us give you advice or possible outcomes.... I mean I'm confused as to if it was theft, hidden assets, you lied on documents, didn't report it, etc....?

  7. jail no debiter jails don't exstist in the USA.

    If all you get is SSI that is exempt  from collections SOc sec 20% can be taken. ( with court order)

    discovery of assets is that the bank wants to find out if you have a house etc and  what is in your bank account.

    make sure and tell the judge your source of income. And explain to him/her that is be a hardship to pay.

    But first contact the bank and explain to them you situation and that you have little money to collect. they might just settle with you for pennys on the dollar. check out this web page for help

  8. They can't take what you don't have and there is no debtors prison so don't worry about going to jail.Don't worry,everything will be ok.

  9. "Discovery of assets" means the bank is using the authority of the court to force you to tell them what you own.

    So tell them the whole truth.

    Jail is not in the equation, whatsoever.

    You didn't commit a crime, unless you borrowed the money and knew "at the time" that you weren't going to pay them back.

    Any collection agent who threatens you with criminal prosecution for an unpaid debt has just committed a crime himself (extortion)

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