
I have craving for food???

by Guest60082  |  earlier

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Ok so I've been working out and have a small 6 pack, and am eating as much protein and good food as possible, but i have this craving for dibs chocolate ice cream!!! I'm afraid that if I eat it, I won't stop and I'll lose my small 6 pack, any tips? I tried drinking water, eating fruits, but still i have this craving to eat DIBS. I'm not hungry though, just this craving geez!!! I am not obese if you hav'nt figured this out, my body is tone and I am a little muscular, any tips?




  1. Aww, if you have a craving, just go for it!  One pack of Dibs won't do anything.  Juts buy one pack.

    You can enjoy yummy stuff in moderation!

  2. How about low-fat/carbs ice-cream

  3. stop complaining and get over it

  4. have the small package.  like once a month as a treat.  if youre doing everything right with the gym and your eating habits, its ok to "indulge" a bit!

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