
I have created a semi redundant energy source for transportation. who to contact military or auto engineers?

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I have approached a GM rep earlier this year at the GM building in detroit during a audition for a tv show about people who is asking for money for any reason. Any way I had talk to this person and he said to contact the engineer department. There is a trust factor, auto companies they like to rip off new tech from individuals and shaft them and call it there own. The military is just as slick. Remember the guy who made things levitate in his apartment with old surplus electronics. The military came saw and rapped his apartment of everything eventually. The guy didn't even get paid. What shall I do?

This new energy source is for real. Imagine riding in your vehicle across country from Detroit to Califronia. Need gas? never. Need to recharge at a stationary recharging port ? never. Need snacks, drinks? Yes. This is what can be in the near future with my system called the Sress. It's a real working small scale prototype. It works like it was projected to work.11 years in the making.




  1. Sounds wonderful, except that it sounds like one of the many inventions which violate the 2nd law of thermodynamics. There have been others like this, for example the "HHO" gas additive. While the fellow even built a working prototype, he never did an energy balance to show that he was actually getting the energy out that he claimed. He wasn't.

    What should you do? I assume you want to protect your idea, so I say you should research and see if your idea is patented already. If not, patent it. Then get help from an engineer or physicist to review it and see if its workable.

  2. Congratulations!  You are one of the first people this year to claim to have made a free energy device.  Of course, that puts you in a long, long line of similar claimants.  Hundreds of people have claimed their free energy/perpetual motion product is almost off the ground, *if only* the could get a few million in research money.  Sorry, but we've seen it all before.

    I will not discount out of hand your claim to have invented an unlimited energy source, but I will patiently await the test results and the product launch.  I wish you the best of luck.  You better make room on your mantel for your Nobel because changing the known laws of the universe will surely net you some sort of prize.

  3. Go to the millitary with it.  The auto companies would just kill it to protect their profits and those of their friends in the oil industry.

  4. I was going to ask where I could send money to invest in your energy source.Then I read your answer to Kimberly Ann about UFO's.I think I'll put my checkbook away now.

  5. I would get a patent on it before you tell anyone.

    if its that amazing you should definitly do this to protect yourself from being ripped off.

    if this is perpetual motion, dont go to engineers, they wont fund you. go to politicians, they can be dumb about science and might just fall for the scam

  6. Move to Windsor Canada, where they build the engines, and get a good lawyer.

  7. Here is where you need to start inorder to protect your rights:

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