
I have curtains with rubber backing on them, will they keep the heat out if I keep them closed all day?

by  |  earlier

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I'll keep the windows open, just our big set of windows in the front of the house has curtains on the front. If I keep them closed, will they block the heat from coming in? I know it won't block all the heat, but some of it?

I'm over thinking this...My thinking is that the rubber will absorb the heat & still heat up the room...but my husband said if you block the suns rays from getting into the house, then it'll be cooler...not a lot, but some.




  1. The thicker the curtains, the less heat is allowed into the room from the windows, so yeppers, your hubby is right on this one.


  2. Yes, if you block the sun's rays, you will keep it a little cooler.

    I am thinking of my grandparents' Victorian home that had no air conditioning and how cool it seemed when I came in from the hot outdoors because the shades were drawn.

    Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

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