
I have dark brown or black spots on my body. Can anybody tell me what it is and the treatment for it?

by  |  earlier

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These spots started on my stomach and spread out throughout all my body; armpits, back, neck, and legs. Can anybody tell me what they are and what caused it? What can be the treatment for it besides makeup!?

When I went to the doctor, he said that it was caused by me swimming, and when I was researching online about it, I saw something that said it causes when swimming in unclean water.

What's this disease I have?

--I know this isn't a Food&Drinks question but I figured this category will give lots of answers...I hope. I really need to know this puuhlease.





  1. I think you need to have a longer talk with your doctor.

    Two reasons.

    One: He/She's been to medical school.

    Two: He/She can actually see them, which would make it fifty times easier to diagnose and treat.

  2. I think you have darkyspottybodyitis.  Very rare these days.  Only way to treat it is with extensive visits to the dermatologist.  Good luck!

  3. I think your really in the wrong catagorey for that question, go to the Home key and try again. This is Food and Drink not health class.

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