
I have dark green patches, that turn brown on my new lawn?

by Guest33026  |  earlier

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I laid my new lawn down 6 weeks ago, but i've noticed quite a few dark green patches appearing. These patches turn brown after a while, even after feeding and watering. I've tried feed and weed as well as fertiliser feed.




  1. Sounds like overfeeding. Very dark green usually means too much nitrogen. If you fed it more at that point, it is possible that you killed some of the grass. Stop feeding, give it a soak to wash the excess nitrogen deeper into the soil (if it isn't saturated already, sigh) and hope for the best.

  2. Something, or someone may be peeing on your lawn. It could be a fox, I hope.

  3. over feeding could be the culprit, you should fertilize about 3 times a year....early spring,middle of the summer and middle of the fall...another reason could be a fungal need to water in the mornings only and cut your lawn no less then three inches high.  For now go purchase a product that treats lawn fungal infections.  Immunox makes one that hooks right onto your hose and treats about 5,000 sq ft, which is about the size of most 1/4 acres front costs no more then 10 dollars and will not hurt your lawn, its worth a shot to see if it helps for now.

  4. Are you dumping to many chemicals on there? Too much feeding will make the grass extra green...for just a bit, then it will kill it.

  5. Sounds to me like a Fox, cat or pet Dog is going to the loo on your lawn.

    Pepper spray may discourage the animals

  6. Barry is right a female dog or coyote as well as many other animals will make that happen

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