
I have debt problems, tell me yours?

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I have debt problems, tell me yours?, what happened? are you resolving it? how? did you lose family or property over it? what type of help is out there?




  1. I owe my mum £5, lol.

    Anyway, you should think about getting an IVA, it's an agreement to write off the debt you cannot afford. Call Debt Free Direct - can't remember the number; Google it. UK only I think.

    Lol, I'm 14 and remembered this off an advert ;)

    Good Luck.

  2. I had £2000+ debt 2 years ago, i went to Citizens advice. They helped me to sort out payment plans and now i only owe £140.

    I was offered help from my dad,  he wanted to pay off debts for me then i'd pay him back, but i got myself into debt and wanted to get myself out.

    I would recommend speaking to Citizens Advice as they are fantastic, they don't judge, they just help.

  3. Try and save yourself from poverty. ksunig@yahoo

  4. It all depends on what kind of a debt problem you have and why you have it. I have enormous credit card debt because of past bad judgment calls. I let my emotions get the best of me and I bought things to try to make me feel better. It didn't work. I just have a huge debt to show for my stupidity. I did fess up and tell my husband but not until several years had passed. He was disappointed but he stood by me. I don't want to file bankruptcy so I am trying to work something out with the creditors. I guess the biggest thing is I have learned from my mistake. Hopefully you have to. Try to contact your creditors and work something out. If you can't see a bankruptcy attorney. Good luck.  

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