
I have decided 2 come off the pill..?

by  |  earlier

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im on the pill (logynon),is it best just to stop or finish the cycle,have a period then dont start them again...i already have 2 kids,boy 13 and a girl 32 next week so i think my biological clock might start tickin soon




  1. I think its best to finish the cycle and then TTC.

  2. I'd finish the cycle so it doesn't mess up your periods, then go for it! Good luck.

  3. Hi I stopped taking my pill my pill a few days before my birthday and had a bleed that started on my birthday, I was told that this wasnt a normal period but me and my hubby were ttc and when I counted back the date of my scan I concived on the 30th November so for me it worked in the first month so just keep trying.

    You can stop the pill anytime its really up to your body weather or not it ovulates and I think it ovlates sooner iin some women who are on the pill and then some dont.  

  4. As long as your husband...or if not married, your boyfriend is ready and committed to support additional kids, go for it.

  5. just stop now im 23 and ive been of the pill for 6 months and still nothing i know i can have kids as i have 3 already they are boys and im trying one last time for a girl. good luck all the best.

  6. I was using Microgynon 30, I finished my last pill then did not take anymore after my pill free week. Though I have heard people and docs say do not try until you have had a few normal periods. I did not bleed until 14 weeks after and then have found out that I am pregnant now which would be the second cycle since finishing on the pill back in April.

    Good luck and baby dust xx

  7. I just stopped......don't know if I was doing the right thing. Had AF straight away. My cycle was back to normal after 2 months and fell pregnant in my 3rd month. Im now 20 weeks pregnant! Good luck and lots of baby dust!  

  8. You can stop at any time.  Just be aware that whether you finish the pack or stop in midcycle, you MIGHT be fertile within a few weeks, or you might need a few months to start ovulating again.

  9. I finished the cycle before stopping my pill, i don't think it makes much difference if you just stop it tho. I have read that you should wait until you have had a few normal periods.

    Good luck

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