
I have decided that I don't like my baby's name. It has been registered and he is now 7 months old.?

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I have decided that I don't like my baby's name. It has been registered and he is now 7 months old.?




  1. You should've thought about this 7 months ago! I can't believe people like you. He is 7 months, he already recognizes his name! He's a kid not a dog, leave the name alone. You picked it after all.  

  2. You can just start calling him a  name that you like better...however, if you want it legally changed then you have to go through the court system to do so.  I worked for a lawyer and we legally changed the names of some family members in a family.  They had different last names because they were born in different countries (kind of hard to explain) so the father wanted his girls to have his last name.  That is what we did.  There was a lot of paperwork involved and they had to have it approved by a judge.  Plus, it wasn't cheap to do.    

  3. yes, you can legally change his name. i don't know what the cost will be. but if you are going to do it, do it fast, because i'm sure he already knows his name. it may be confusing to him.

  4. It would cost you money to change your childs name. You would have to do a legal name change through your county court system. What a bummer that you don't like your own childs name! We are having a hard time picking a name for our baby due in a few weeks and this just reminds me how important it is to be SURE!! Good luck.  

  5. I guess you could change it...but it's not fair to your son to keep changing his name everytime you decide you don't like it. He will grow into his name, just call him by a nickename.

  6. i think you should of though of the name more carefully

    i don't think you can change it!

  7. You can change his name. Some states allow you to do so for free before your child is 1, otherwise it's around $400+. You'll have to check with your local courthouse about any fees and how to do the process.  

  8. Give it a lot of thought before you change his name, remember that at seven months he'll be starting to recognise the sound of his own name. Have you only just decided that you don't like it, or have you had this feeling for a while? How much confusion will it cause to friends and family?

    It might be a better idea to either give him a cute nickname that he'll always be known at, similar to his own name, or perhaps just a middle name that you use instead. Even if you change it legally, his original name will always be on his birth certificate and you'll have to explain to him when he's older that you just didn't like it!

    Check the laws on registering names in your area, if you're really sure you want to go ahead - they'll be different depending on the state or country you live in.

  9. That sucks.  

  10. i'm pretty sure you can go down to the county court house and ask for an apllication and you can get his\her name changed

  11. What is his name? That can help if trying to find a nickname or using a middle name would be a good idea :) I think it can get changed but you might want to wait a while and see if you get used to the name...

    You don't want to regret it.

    If you are going to change it try and find a name you've always liked or one that is important to you so you won't be tempted to change it again :)

    Hope I helped and good luck :)

  12. Usually you have up to a year to change the name without any fee. Did you get any paperwork on your son's name with the hospital/birth certificate papers? There should be a number to call on there.

    I went through this too. Only it was with my sons last name.  

  13. well I'm not sure if you can change his name but you can call him by an nick name or his middle name

  14. What do you mean you don't like your baby's name?  Did you not name him / her?

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