
I have depression and dont know what to do?

by  |  earlier

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I have been depressed now for over 3 years. I have taken tests and all have determined that i do have clinical depression and some kind of personality disorder. I have boughts and displays of anger and sadness, everyday and often erupt out of nowhere and for no apparent reason. I have all the symptoms and I have asked my parents for help about it because i do wanna get better. Yet, my mother has not tried to help me and has put of taking me to a doctor for 2 years now. It seems hopeless, and i dont know what to do with myself.

I dont understand why they refuse to help me when they clearly see i have problems and am hurting myself.




  1. I have depression and mild case of bi-polar disorder.... took me a long time to go get looked at and find out what I actually had. I would get SO irritated with small things and a tempor like no other if someone rubbed me the wrong. I have now been medicated for like 6 months and doing much better... and I"m an ugly person without the meds. Its hard to accept that you have to be on meds just to function normally but its not about that... its about doing what it takes to help you and make things better for you. Been to phyciotrist and therapist and it honestly is very helpful for those who genuinely have a problem.  

  2. Maybe they are scared and have gone into denial. Sit down with your mom and explain to her that you are scared too, and want to get better. the only way that will happen is if the problem is acknowledged and addressed. Tell her that a doctor could open up so many options of treatment that would help you.

    Sometimes the uninformed often think no approach is the best approach..... that's why you have to tell them otherwise. Goodluck:)

  3. Talk to a counselor at school.  They can talk to your Mother or if anything, get you into a psychiatrist, who can get you on some great meds for the depression.

  4. I agree they are probably in denial, don't think they don't care. The just can't see there son/daughter depressed. Try seeing a doctor that obviously specializes in this field and hopefully good luck to you.  

  5. the medicine works amazing with counciling

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