
I have dial up so what's the fastest internet other than dsl, or comcast.

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I live out in the country so I dont have that many options. I like to get on my ps3 browser a lot so im looking fo something fast. I need something that turns hour long downloads into minute long downloads. Oh and if possible something I can play my ps3 online with. Any suggestions?




  1. Even DSL will give you a much better download speed than what you're getting with dial up.  The best/fastest internet is cable internet (comcast is cable), but you may not need it if you're not doing anything too intense.  Don't get satellite internet, you'll get disconnected t if it rains or there's a little breeze going by.  lol.  I don't know much about the PS3, so I'll leave it up to another person to answer that part.

  2. Well you may not have any other choices. If you can not get DSL or Cable you do not have many other choices. Satellite internet is terribly expensive, rather slow, and has a low download limit, so not good if you use a lot of downloading. Also gaming is impossible on satellite internet. You can't really use Verizon, Sprint, At&t, and Altel internet, because the are designed to be plugged into computers only, and are rather slow.

    I would look into local wireless internet service providers. They usually provide unlimited traffic (although not always), usually are not terribly high priced, and are usually fast. However they might not be the best for gaming depending on their technology. A good way to tell if you have any local providers is to see if any are listed in your local telephone book, there are several listed in mine.

    If none of those options work... you could try ISDN. It is rather slow only 128kbps, but that is faster than dial-up. Most telephone providers did provide them way back when, and some still do. Plus ISDN could be available in the country, since it is not affected by distance as much as DSL. However I do not know how easy that would be to hook up to a PS3, since they have there own special modems, that can be a little complex to hook up to a PS3, if even possible... plus ISDN is sometimes over $100 per month, and gaming might be a little hard to do.

    Good luck.. I live in the country too... thank goodness my local telephone provider is independent. They might be expensive, and a little slow.. but they have DSL available to all there telephone subscribers.

  3. You can try a Mobile Broadband Card from Sprint, Verizon, or AT&T.

  4. I would go with your Comcast which I believe is cable.  Their service sucks, but it's better for playing games. I myself prefer DSL, but I don't play many games.

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