
I have digital cable motem for my desk-top and would like to add a laptop. What do I need to do to add laptop?

by  |  earlier

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I have enough extra cable to sufficently use if a splitter is all that is deemed necessary. But will splitting my line cause slower speeds on desktop pc or harm cable tv reception in any way? Also, is it legal to do so without contacting cable company?




  1. Use a router, do not tamper with the cable line itself. Cable modems operate on a spectrum of cable signal and lowering it with a splitter may cause major problems. Take every ones advice and get a router and use the laptop either wireless, or wired through another ethernet cable.

  2. You will need a broadband router. It will allow you to split your internet connection between multiple sources. Since you have enough cable, a wired router will be sufficient but wireless ones are available. You'll need to make sure that the router you buy works with cable and not just DSL. Technically, using a router may slow down your connection speed, but it's so minor that you probably won't even be able to notice. Using a router is legal and there is no need to contact the cable company, but you may want to check with them to see if they offer any routers.

  3. You should get a router (a 4 port should be fine) which will allow you to connect both the desktop and laptop to the internet at the same time.

    Linksys is a good brand to get.  Just plug your modem line into the router, and then plug both network cables into the router, and then plug the other ends of the network cables into your desktop and laptop (respectively).

    There's nothing wrong or illegal and it doesn't affect your service at all.  In fact, it's necessary for households/offices who have more than one computer.

  4. i have to say you will need a router. A router lets you set up multiple online or lan connections using 1 ISP. plug both your modems into the router, set it up how you like it and both your computers can share internet access or just connect to each other if that what you'd like. Routers are great for playing the same game with pals at the same location. Check the image i supplied, it will explain it a little more.

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