
I have diploma in web programming and now i look for university in Germany to complete and get bachelor?

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I have diploma in web programming and now i look for university in Germany to complete and get bachelor?

My Question is

how can i get full free scholarship (including study fee,room fee and food fee) for one year to complete and get bachelor. Is there any Governmental or private foundation gives like this scholarship?




  1. Unfortunately, you are most likely not eligible for german Bafoeg

    (Federal Education and Training Assistance Act) :

    (EDIT : found an english website) :

    There are a number of scholarship programs, most germans will not use them because of Bafoeg, so mabe you have a chance.Of course, they generally expect you to have above-average grades.

    DAAD (=german academic exchange service, generally a good

    source for information) has a database on scholarships for foreign students, its even in english :

    One question though : Are you sure there is a university that offers BA programs in Web programming?All i found in a brief search were diverse "Informatik" (=Computer science")

    programs, such as Wirtschaftsinformatik etc.

    Good luck.

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