
I have discovered the secret of perpetual motion, who should I tell?

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I have discovered the secret of perpetual motion, who should I tell?




  1. I understand what a big claim this is and believe me I would love to get behind you on it; BUT, I also know a bit about the history of the search for perpetual motion. Basically, extremely smart people have been butting their heads up against that one from the time of the middle ages and though many have made claims for having designed a machine that will do it, and many have even patented machines, no one - not one - not even one of those machines have ever been able to do it.

    My advice to you is this - you probably have the schematics all set - create the apparatus and make it work. If you haven't done that yet, don't tell a soul. If you do, you will be lumped in with a million other people making the same claim.

    The trick with perpetual motion is that many designs look convincing on paper - it's in the next step that things tend to break down.

    If your apparatus works - well, that's another thing altogether!

    Do a search on line about the history of perpetual motion. It will be very very helpful I think.

  2. The patent office!

  3. Your therapist.

  4. There is no such thing as it violates the laws of thermodynamics.

  5. The patent office will demand a working model to grant a patent, so build it before you apply.

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