
I have donated Blood only 90 times.? Should Govt make it compulsory?How to make others also to follow me?

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I ahve been teaching youngsters to donate blood. I have developed about 100 or so volunteers. They develop more number of volunteers. In ten years i have achived this only. Volunteers should grow in Geometric progression.

Can someone guide me to achive that GOAL.

I am 54 years old.




  1. I dont think it should be compulsory, but I do think it should be encourged more.

    We should remember that nearly every family has had one person who has need Blood and if people stopped donating then were would we be?

  2. They might as well take our blood physically, they already take it metaphorically.

  3. Donating blood should not be mandated by the government. It is a personal decision and not everyone agrees with it. It's against some religions, some folks have blood-borne illnesses and cannot donate, others can't for other medical reasons.

  4. It's obvious, to me, at least, that you haven't thought through your reasoning.

    At 54 years of age you ought to have more sense than that, uncle Adolf.

  5. no.  I gave  blood  once , they told me  never to give  it again. I think it was  be cause i had  TB

  6. I don't think it should be compulsary.  Yes I agree, we don't bother enough, I wouldn't if the bloodmobile didn't arrive here once every 4 months I wouldn't do it so often.

    But the hysteria and ranting and raving some people have for your idea is a bit much.  Fascist state indeed!

    I think we need to admit people just don't pay attention, the Government spends enought on encouraging people to give blood, but people are just childish and selfish.

  7. I went to give blood not long after having my baby, but the lady there told me that I needed it more than they did!  The guidelines said your child must be over 1 year old.

  8. You are MY hero, thanks so much for your precious gift of life.

    Not all people can donate blood however, so that is an issue.

    Some medications, some health problems, underweight , so not all can donate.

    You have my deepest gratitude for your gift of life.

  9. Pfftt  90 ? Is that all?

  10. If we allow the govt. to make it compulsory, whats next? Organs?  Parents, watch your children, there is a vampire out there.

  11. You can't force people to give blood! Thats ridiculous. You should ENCOURAGE people to give blood

    Volunterrs should grow in geometric progression? What does that mean?

  12. Oh my! How altruistic you are. A true saint among men. We're all sooooo very grateful that you've told us what a wonderful humanitarian you are. Move over Mother Theresa. All you need to do now is learn to write properly.

  13. And with that reasoning, since I have 2 lungs, someone who

    needs one can force me to give mine up?

  14. I donate blood when I can (sometimes my iron levels are too low). We take it for granted that if we or our family or friends get ill or have an accident and need a blood transfusion then we will get it. If we don't donate how can we expect to receive?

    Of course it is a personal choice but if we can then why not?

  15. No, they shouldn't make it compulsory because some people can't give blood. My mum is anaemic and needs her blood more than anyone else although she did used to donate when she was younger. I have a needle phobia too so cannot donate as much as i would like to. I admire people that do this though and will be very grateful if I ever have the need to use it.

  16. You've donated blood 90 times in ten years??!! In this country? somehow i find that hard to believe! I've donated ten times and think more and more people should be encouraged to do so. enforcing it on everyone simply would not work because as stated above many people can't donate for a variety of reasons (although a 'needle phobia' is bullshit excuse). the government needs o spend more money on encouraging people to donate.

  17. It makes me puke and pass out every single time I do it, therefor I won't do it anymore....Sorrry buddy!  I vote no.  Although, for any family member or close friend, there is no doubt in my mind...I wouldn't hesitate.

  18. Are you Boasting about the Number of times you gave blood ? or are you boasting about  your achievements . I sure reads that way.

  19. Making compulsary blood donations is a pretty unfair way of exacting your beliefs on other people. Do what has been done since time began, talk to people about your cause. You have to sell it to them. Literally, if you look up the definition of a sale it is the transfer of enthusiasm, so you need to transfer your enthusiasm for donating blood and your goal will be achieved. It may take time but relax and it will happen. You ar reffering to a pyramid scheme of blood donations if you want your volunteer group to grow exponentially. just relax and be happy that you have done as much as oyu have done and try for more, that is all you can do.

  20. i donate blood myself but i do think it is of personal opinion there is many reasons why someone cant or wont give blood and that should be respected.

  21. They tried to force me when I was pregnant and they found I have a rare group.  ANYONE who tries to force me into anything is in for a VERY ROUGH TIME!  I am heartily sick of complusary mandates in this country.  A gift/donation from me of ANY kind, is MY right no-one else's. No more n**i ideas on the statute books if you don't mind

  22. Not everyone is capable of donating blood.  I, for example, have a rare antibody in my blood but cannot donate because of my height/weight, I can't even fill a quarter of a pint bag before I pass out...   I do think it's sad I can't and encourage people who can...  but not everyone is a good candidate for donation...

  23. Compulsory volunteers?

    Interesting oxymoron.

  24. Only a fascist would demand that this be made compulsory.  What next?  Are you going to demand government labor camps for everyone?

  25. no i don't think that it should be made compulsory

  26. awww im a rare blood group and i myself had a transfusion in yr 2000..after a routine miscarriage went wrong,i lost 6pints of blood,my blood had a be emergancy helecoptered from another hospital to my hospital so they could save my life..i am lucky to be alive and i am eternity greatfull for all ppl who donated they blood..but i wish i could be a donnor as i know what it means..but i have a phobia of needles,bad bad,i seriously think im gonna die if that needle touched my arm..i cant breathe,i cry and shake..i feel bad and guilty,but just cant..god i feel better for sharing that..although i dont really think iv answered your question..soz..i got side tracked..

  27. no i dont think it should be compulsary... its our blood to do with what we want..

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