
I have done ballet for 2 years, I went up on pointe the start of my second year do you think that I was ready?

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I have done ballet for 2 years, I went up on pointe the start of my second year do you think that I was ready?




  1. 1. How old are you? If you are old enough that the bones in your feet are formed, that is one consideration out of the way.

    2. Were you athletic before you started taking ballet? Are you taking one class a week or four/five? Are you "overweight"?

    If you have a reputable teacher, they should be able to "test" your strength, flexibility, etc., and determine whether or not you are ready -- although very few people are ready after only one year, I have known a few people who have the right body type and strength, and are gifted enough that it is not unthinkable.

    If you are concerned or unsure, I suggest that you stay off pointe. It is very easy to do permanent damage to your body that will haunt you the rest of your life. Perhaps consult another teacher?

    Hope this helps. Take care of yourself!

  2. If you are around 12 or 13, your feet might be built up and strong enough. If not, then it could damage your feet. It mostly depends on how well you can do pointe right now and if it feels comfortable enough.

  3. I dont think you should of gone onto pointe so soon but if your teacher let you then you must be good enough.

    At my dance school you're only allowed to start when you get to the end of Grade 6 as you need the strength or you could seriously hurt yourself.

    I started ballet at 3 and im now 15.

    I started pointe 6 months ago.

    I dont think it would of been a good idea for me to start any earlier than 14. I wouldnt have felt strong enough but it depends on how you feel. Just be careful and do ankle strengthening exercises using therabands.

  4. No, well maybe. It takes a while for people to become on pointe. You have to be fully devoloped. Two years of ballet means you probably don't know as much as you should about ballet to be on pointe. But i dont know you so maybe your really good. who knows? but i am just saying it takes people forever to get on pointe. i guess ur a lucky ducky.

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