
I have done mistakes in my life for which i can't forget myself so wat i can pray in order to ?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Pray Lord, please forgive me. Jesus come into my heart to be my Lord, in the Name of Jesus.  Once you do this, forgive yourself. We don't always forget. I believe that may be God's way of helping us to to remember what we went through, and to not do it again.

    I pray as you seek the Loed, he will comfort you, and you will have the joy of salvation.

    †Prayer Warrior At Your Request†  

  2. All you need to pray is God forgive me, but you need to forgive yourself first  

  3. God knows what you have done but loves you anyway. God will know if you are sincerely sorry and will forgive you and help you to avoid mistakes in the future

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