
I have done something very bad haven't I?

by  |  earlier

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I think I may have made a very huge mistake. My parents just went on a vacation that they have desparately needed for 2 years. They left last Saturday and will back this Sunday.

But anyway, they left my brother in charge since he is old enough. He is 18 (let's just say his name is Kyle). I am 16 and my little brother (just say Jeff) is 7. So Sunday night, we were all watching t.v. when Jeff fell asleep around 8:30 p.m. When he goes to sleep he is out like a light. So now that nothing interesting is on tv, Kyle said that he wanted to take a drink. I said no, mom will get mad. He said that we don't have to tell. So I drank with him. We were having so much fun joking around and playing and wrestling. We were playing so much that I we started to get hot and sweaty. So he pulled off his clothes leaving on nothing but his boxers. I pulled off my clothes leaving on nothing but my sportsbra and panties. We kept playing. So I fell on top of him.

We went to his room and kept wrestling. And he all of a sudden grabbed my b*****s holding me down. He was looking at me and we started kissing. We were on his bed. Then he took off my undies. I didn't wanthim to stop.

Long story short...we had s*x (great s*x) all night. And now I feel really bad and really, really dirty. He keeps apologizing and he feels dirty too. We really can't look at each other now.

What do I do?




  1. first off ur f****n stupid for putting this on here.....n i kno this boy who had s*x with his little sister n went to dys for 4 years your probably gonna have ta go to counceling and you have to tell your parents alot can happen b/c of this!

  2. Please tell me this isn't a true story? If it're both going to need some help.

  3. HAHA good story....

  4. talk about keepin it in the family. The closer the kin the better the skin hey?

    time for a little memory repression. or some pretty intense therapy.  

  5. Look at it this way Adam and Eve had two sons and one of them had children and so on.   The blue bloods always mated with one of there own this way the blood line was not altered and remained pure

    Even though you say you feel dirty and he feels drty there is a very big chance you will do it again and won't feel bad  

  6. sounds like quite the pickle

    but that was a good story, i think you should be a writer

  7. Honestly.  Just never talk about it again.  Ever.  Don't over think it because it will seriously s***w you up.  I can't imagine if that happened to me.  Seriously, I'd just "X" out this box and walk away from the computer and pretend that never happened.  

  8. I think you are making this up ...if not, then you two need to stop drinking and just forget it ever happened.

  9. he is 18 and whether you wanted him to stop or not that is rape. this is also incest which again is against the law. however what he did was wrong, you as well, but the way a court will look at is that you are not mature enough to make that decision. you need to get help  

  10. You really can't do anything about this because what hhappened happend you know. And it seem you have to live with him under 1 roof. He did apologize to you but i think you can't do much about it.

  11. forget about it.

    eaiser said than done, but you need to forget about it.

    you both were probably drunk and in the heat of the moment,

    just keep it a little secret between the two of you.

  12. I don't believe you.

    But if you are telling the truth, just keep it secret I think. Don't do it again. Find some way to get over it. maybe you need counselling?

  13. I'm very sorry that happened to you. People s***w up, it's just human nature. Try to accept that it happened and there is nothing you can do to change it, then just forget about the whole thing and move on with your life. If you try to block it out, it will only be in your conscience that much longer.

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