
I have dreams about Snakes Every night, What does this mean. Does any one know?

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Thry are not attacking me, but they are attacking others in my dream




  1. One of the fundamental symbols of the snake is creation, that which creates.  As in the Kundalini rising, the snake stays coiled at the energy base, the 1st chakra, then rises up when beckoned.  (i.e. coiled snake as in the spiral)  This can be viewed as growth, maybe even spiritual growth.  We can potentially transform all experiences in life, good and bad, into positive growth.  If the snake attacks others in your dreams, do you feel you might be overly defensive of others?  Closed minded with your opinions? Are you suppressing your own growth by not being open to ideas others have?  Or are you judgemental of others?  Do you feel you could be more accepting of other people and that which makes them different?  Although we are all different, none of us are little less important.

  2. i always heard that if you dream about snakes it means someone hates you, no offense, old wives tell.

  3. Snakes as Fear Symbols

    Given that most people do not have firsthand snake experience snakes appearing in dreams can often symbolize a fear of the unknown. They can point to a deep seated anxiety that something isn't right or a nagging feeling that something is waiting for them, something bad, like a snake in the grass. Is there something going on in your life that you are afraid of doing simply because you've never done it before?

    Snakes as Symbols of Wisdom

    While the unknown factor of snakes can engender fear, it may also give rise to feelings of intrigue. Some people and cultures see snakes as exotic and possessing hidden wisdom. This is partly due to their mysterious nature and partly due to one of a snake's more prominent features: it's tongue. In Chinese astrology people born under the sign of the snake are considered extremely wise, sensual, and diplomatic--they have an ease of tongue which makes them able to navigate sticky situations. If a snake appears in your dream it may actually be there using its tongue to impart wisdom that may be life altering--which brings us to...

    Snakes as Symbols of Transformation

    The ouroboros is one of the more famous snake-transformation symbols. In it, a snake can be seen biting it's own tail, revealing to us the cyclical nature of life. See the link below for more information on this fascinating symbol.

    Snakes shed their skin which is a classic symbol for ridding oneself of what one no longer needs in favor of accepting that which is new. The process of shedding its skin is not simple for a snake, nor is it so in our waking lives. In nature, snakes become cranky, irritable, and are more likely to bite while shedding their skins. We often react in the same manner when releasing old, worn out lives and situations. We have grown comfortable with our 'skin' even if that skin has become a source of irritation. A snake appearing in your dream may very well be telling you that despite the temporary discomfort you must go through, it may be time to release old relationships, careers, or habits in order to renew and reclaim your life.

    Snake Bites

    When one is bitten by a snake in a dream, this often actually points to overcoming a situation that appeared dire. The a snake bit dream may point to learning to overcome a situation and regain your power in life. Snake bites can be viewed as in injection of wisdom, rather than life threatening venom.

    Snakes as Sexual Symbols

    So when is a snake no longer just a snake? Usually when a snake is behaving in a manner inconsistent with snakes! Snakes don't typically snuggle up to us in bed, nor do we find snakes trying to enter our bodies or other such activities. If your dream snake is engaging in these sort of behaviours, more than likely the snake is actually representative of the opposite s*x. In this case your feelings about snakes is of tantamount importance. If you are repulsed by them, this could point to sexual dissatisfaction. If you find snakes tantalizing, these dreams could actually be taking on a 'wish fulfillment' role.

    Few creatures evoke such strong reactions from people as snakes. People love them, hate them, or are downright phobic of them. Given the intense response snakes provoke, when one finds its way into your dream it is a good sign that the snake has something important to say about your life.

    Until next time, sleep well and dream out loud!

  4. Freudian time again, dream decoder says; snakes in dreams are symbolic of the male p***s. Maybe a wish others were affected by the male member as you are. I cannot see these creatures are in your dreams each nite! that's quite the non-probable. If this to you is more the satisfaction then dream about a snake's home in the ground and then you will see the other connection.

  5. maybe you want to be queen of snakes....or you want to have a pet snake.

  6. Um. 1) Apparently snakes symbolise hidden fears and worries that threaten you. Perhaps you're worrying about someone or multiple people close to yourself and that's what's causing it.

    2) The Fruedian approach would be something about the snake representing male sexuality and you can see it in others or something, but I wouldn't usually take much notice of him.

    3) Apparently a "snake may also refer to a person around you who is callous, ruthless, and can't be trusted" and  "as a positive symbol, snakes represent transformation, knowledge and wisdom. It is indicative of self-renewal and positive changes."

    4) Also the snake represents evil or something over coming someone... and its apparently meant to be a bad omen, but I'd only think of that if you were strongly christian in your beliefs (or Catholic and other branches from Judaism - with the whole eve and the snake thing).

    5) Another source says that "a snake ready to strike means treachery from one you least expected; killing it means victory over enemies".

    I'd go with the first one though. Unless the others ring a bell with something happening in your life.

    In my opinion your dreams are the result of your brain working through issues. The fact that you're having it every night shows that this is something that is bothering you. So perhaps you're seeing something that's not right is happening to all you're friends and if you're standing helpless it might show that you have no idea how to fix the problem. Or if you don't know any of the people, perhaps you're seeing it occuring within society or your community.

    Hope this helps :)

    Oh and if you're afraid of snakes, it might just be that. But I would assume the snakes would be attacking you. That you hate snakes suggests against the 2 approach and since they're attacking others it could possibly mean that someone you know is wrongly effecting others going by what 3 and 5 suggest.

  7. are you deathly afraid of snakes? have you watched anything with snakes that made you scared?? idk

  8. In some cultures snakes are highly regarded and symbolize the ability to transcend into higher levels of consciousness or into areas of knowledge that exist outside perceived time and space. In the pre-Christian days, snakes were considered symbols of fertility, healing, and nurturing (the healing serpent representing a god). Post Adam and Eve, snakes are often considered symbols of temptation and evil, anger, and envy. Snakes emerging out of the ground may represent your unconscious or repressed materials coming to your conscious mind. Freud thought that the snake was a phallic symbol. It is amazing how many people have snake dreams! Most snake dreams seem to be disturbing and they leave the dreamer feeling anxious and afraid. There are no simple interpretations to the snake dreams. Each dreamer must consider their own situation and all of the details of the dream. Sometimes snakes may be phallic symbols and other times they represent negativity in our lives that hampers our progress and constantly threatens us. In the long run the snake may be a positive symbol; it may represent difficulties that lead us to the center of personality and result in feelings of completeness.

  9. Snakes usually represent something evil in our dreams.

    Consider this  common phrase to understand how we, as humans, view snakes:

    "a snake in the grass" = a sneaky, deceptive person

    So, a snake often represents a liar or a lie.

    Consider the people and situations in your life.  Who is being attacked by a liar, or the victim of nasty lies and rumor?  

    Also, snakes' fangs pierce and poison.  So also, do evil words of evil people.  Do you know people who are attacking with their venomous words?

    Are YOU lying to someone or about someone?  Or speaking cruel words that pierce and hurt?   PLEASE don't be a snake.

    Pray for wisdom, and for those who attack, and especially for their victims!

    God bless you!

  10. are ur pregnant?.. or do you know the person who got attacked? if so, that person or someone very close might be pregnant....believe it or not its up to u..

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