
I have dreams that I jump very high.. what does it mean??

by  |  earlier

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Last night I had a dream that i was with one of my friends and i would run in a field and jump and i would jump so high into the air and i couldn't control how high i jumped. Sometimes i would jump lower and sometimes very high. i would do this a few times and then trees or something would be in my way of running so i would have to go back. it is very strange. i have dreams before of jumping high, but what does it mean??




  1. The trouble with attempting to understand what is happening in our dreams is that everything that happens to us before we go to sleep affects what we dream.

    A bit like asking why a guy was crying in the park yesterday. Without knowing the total person and all that has happened to him, no one can say why  and to attempt to say why is a mistake.  Well that is to say.  An answer without first having all the facts cant be the right answer.

    For your question there is only one true answer.

    The reason for the dream does not matter.  The fact you can ask this question tell us you did not die last night.  Forget the dream. You are alive and that’s what matters.    Happy new day.

  2. I think you are about to Astral Projection maybe you should look inti it : )

    Love & Blessings


  3. When I was 6 I had dreams like that... *shrugs shoulders* It could mean you feel like you're changing and you're isolated from your family and friends... or it could mean you are bored... or it could mean nothing really at all. Im not sure dreams have something to say about your inner feelings... usually they're just weird.

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