
I have dreams that always end up happening?

by  |  earlier

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Most of the time they are dreams I had years ago. Mostly of being places I have never been. Last weekend I was in Chicago and I kept feeling like I had been there before and I never have! I never get lost bc I always just "know" where to go. And I always have deja vu, too. Am I crazy?




  1. No, you're not crazy. That happens from time to time (myself included). There really isn't an easy explanation for it, though I've read it has to do with wiring in the brain. We see a place we recognize from a dream because it has enough similar characteristics then our brain says "hmm...I've been here before!"

    It's not because you're seeing the future, although it feels like it.  

  2. no your not crazy. most of the time you dream of things or places that you have been to. you probably were there as a young child

  3. It could just be the same as deja vu, deja vu occurs wehn your brain see's new information but confuses it with old information, so you think its already happened before but it actually hasn't your brain just thinks it has..

    on another note tho, i had a dream that someone broke my necklace and i was really upset, and then i woke up and when i was getting changed my necklace snapped..

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