
I have dual citizenship and have voted in Canada all my life but want to vote for the US president this fall?

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Is that do-able or do you have to stick with one over the other?




  1. One or the other is your 'primary' place of residence and that is the ONLY Place you can vote.

    In the US, it could be voter fraud if your primary residence was in Canada.

  2. If you have a US residence, simply request an absentee ballot from the local Registrar of Voters.  It will be mailed to you and you cast your vote and mail it back within the deadlines set by the Registrar.

  3. Nope. You just have to register.

  4. You are a citizen of each country and thus, you have a right as any other citizen of each countries, including a right to vote. So don't forget to register. Obama 08!

    It doesn't matter that you live in Japan. You can use an absentee ballot. Go there:

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