
I have e mailed all my friends to e mail their mp to protest about taxes in the UK will you do the same?

by Guest31804  |  earlier

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will you stand and be counted in this small protest and let our MPs know we are not happy

dates for this can be 16 and 17 this month to coincide with fuel prtest in USA




  1. It won't work, most Labour MPs use their secretaries to screen their incoming emails, so they never get to see them.

    You should get all your friends to book surgery sessions with their MPs so that they get swamped by visitors. Also when you are asked in advance, by the secretary, what you want to talk about, you make up another reason.

  2. It would be better to ask for a vote of no confidence.

  3. they  don't  care.  I'm  just  glad  that  24  airlines  went  bust  already  and  that  FORD  are  now  in  trouble.  The  protest  has  already  started.

  4. Taxes should be increased!

  5. THey will only throw them in the Bin,,,,,,they only want YES VOTES,,,,

  6. Sure why not. I'm sure the 16th and 17th are days that I have clear.

  7. ..but would an email from America be any good?

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