
I have eggs in my 33 gallon aquarium and dont know where there from please help?

by  |  earlier

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i have wierd eggs in my aquarium and have no idea where there from, i have guppies (not from them), plecos, neon tertra and snails... they are white eggs in a clear sac stuck to a plant and stuck to the glass, they are about an inch in length. i just want to know if i should do something to help them survive or if its useless at this point. also there was only one sac last night around 3 am and when i got home from work today at 6 pm there was another, PLEASE HELP!!!! i would appriciate an answer fast





  1. those are snail eggs.  I don't like snails because you end of with a snail infestation.

  2. Sounds to me like snails, they are quick to reproduce.

    How many snails do you have? How big are they?

  3. Without seeing the eggs this is only a guess.  If you have several snails I'd say they have been "romantically inclined".  Snails are more apt to reproduce in a small aquarium than fish.  If you have recently added new plants, eggs may have come in on those.  If you are really worried set up a small tank (use 1/2 water from the old tank) and gently place the eggs in that until the hatch.  I'd be excited to see what you have there.

  4. if its that big then its probably from the biggest fish in you tank

  5. they are most likely snail eggs, and can quickly over take a tank, i would let nature take its course.

    I keep only one pleco per tank so mine never bred, my guess would be they would lay eggs on the gravel or on a piece of driftwood

  6. I would say it is probably from the plecos or the snails. Do you want more life in the aquarium? If you do then you could probably scoop them into a breeder net...if not they will probably get eaten.

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