
I have emetiphobia. HELP!!!!!!!!!!1

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I AM TERRIFIED OF PUKING! and i havent for four years. . what does it feel like!? is it relaly that bad?!? PLEASE HELPP!




  1. The other poster said brush your teeth, but don't. the acid from your stomach weakens your tooth enamel and brushing it straight after puking can irreversibly damage it.

  2. its seriously not that bad. and after you puke, you fell SO SO SO much better! you just feel sick and then all of the sudden your forehead gets really hot and that's it. you will feel much better. and then after you just brush your teeth. and drink pepsi or sprite or like 7-up so then if or when you puke again, it will taste like that. i know it sounds really gross, but its really not that bad. and also if you puke, ALWAYS drink some sort of fluid, but definitely NOT water! you could also try eating crackers. if you drink water, or don't eat or drink something and you puke, then you dry-heave and it hurts but we wont go there.  

  3. It may not be the most pleasant experience, but it's not all that bad. It's surely not something you have to be scared of.

    Basically when you puke, you will feel a little strain in your stomach because it's trying to expel the stuff that is making you sick. Sometimes you might have a slight burning sensation in your throat because of the stomach acid mixed with the vomit, but it's only a slight amount, not enough to worry about or to cause any harm. The worst part is the taste, which is not pleasant, but once it's over as long as you rinse your mouth with mouthwash/water and then brush your teeth, the taste will go away.

    You usually only puke if there is something in your stomach, like a virus or poisoned food, that your body has to throw out quickly so your body doesn't absorb it and make you sicker. It's a safety mechanism for your body and while it might be slightly unpleasant, it is not a bad thing and will help keep you healthy. Once your body has expelled the germs through vomit, you will feel a lot better.

    I've found that after you do vomit and have brushed your teeth, it's always good to eat some saltine crackers and drink a coke and it really helps settle the stomach and help prevent it from happening again. It also makes it easier if it does happen again anyway because it's better to have something on your stomach when it happens so it dilutes the stomach acid. If your stomach is empty when you vomit, you "dry heave" which is a little more uncomfortable because you are mainly throwing off stomach acid and water, so it burns a little more.

    Luckily you always feel sick to your stomach before you vomit, so if you drink some soda and eat a few crackers when you start feeling like you might puke, sometimes you can either head it off, or at least make it a lot easier on yourself.

    The basic point is, try not to be afraid of it. It's a natural process that helps protect your body from serious illness, and is only slightly uncomforatable. Even that slight discomfort is over fairly quickly, and you feel a lot better after it is over.

    I hope this helps.

    Additional: It is not nearly as bad as choking on a coke and having it going up your nose. Your nose tissues are more sensitive and the acid in the coke is actually more abrasive than those in your stomach. When coke goes up your nose it burns like crazy, it will not burn that much in your throat when you vomit. Like I said before, the worst part is the taste, and that is over pretty quick. Hope this helped.

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