
I have empty registry files that seem to recreate themselves after using regcure. What should I do?

by  |  earlier

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even after rescanning right after I have "fixed" the empty registry files, I keep getting them. They seam to lessen every time I fix them, but stops once it reaches a minimum of two.. How do I get rid of these? They seem to duplicate into ever more after a few days. I have completely scanned my Windows XP sp3 with Spyware Doctor, and no viruses or spyware of any sort. Any advice?




  1. try shutting off system restore on your computer  before you use your spy doctor stuff  

  2. Yes, shutting down System Restore might fix it, but I strongly recommend you never, ever shut down System Restore.

    A few empty registry keys the silly Windows creates are nothing compared to the risk of turning off System Restore. If something were to crash, with System Restore you can roll back to usable state immediately.

    Good luck.

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