
I have erected a panel fence,the posts are concreted in the ground 1.5ft is there anything else to steady it.?

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I have erected a panel fence,the posts are concreted in the ground 1.5ft is there anything else to steady it.?




  1. should be ok, but drill a few large holes in panels to let wind thru.(hole saw)

  2. On 6' high fences I try to go down 48" but I am happy with anything over 42".  Depending on the style of the fence wind can be a major factor.  If you live in a climate with frost your posts should be below the frost line so they don't go up and down.

  3. From the backside, you can sink a 2x4 at a 45-degree angle and attach it near the middle/top.

    Of course, this only works if nothing is behind the fence.

    If you find the holes you dug are inadequate to keep the fence from falling out of plumb, you can try removing every other or every third post (depending on the work you wish to take on) and sinking the holes deeper.

  4. Panel fences don't usually need any additional stabilisation - you don't say how high the fence is so I don't know whether your posts are deep enough. If it is a six foot fence I would have probably gone down to two feet for the post holes, but you should be OK unless you live in a very windy area.

  5. once the concrete has set then you should not need anything else providing the hole was wide enough

  6. Your posts should feel solid and immovable, the concrete having set of course. If you can move them, then there is insufficient concrete in the holes. You'll have to do it again. The holes should have been at least 21/2 times the width of the posts. And the panels themselves tend to be a bit loose in the guide slots. They have to be to get them in and out easily.The ones in my garden tend to rattle a bit in windy weather or when a cat jumps over them. Also, having  gravel boards or panels  helps to stabilise the fence. In your case it would be a concrete one. But might be too late to add if the fence is already complete.

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