
I have everything set to obtain automatic ip and dns address but still can't connect to the internet

by  |  earlier

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I have everything set to obtain automatic ip and dns address but still can't connect to the internet




  1. Try and turn off windows firewall? the cable your using are you sure it works fine, if not try replacing the cable? and your internet works?

  2. Is this for a gaming system?  or a computer?  Either way you should call the manufacturer of your router and they will guide you through a painless process involving maybe a firmware upgrade or just changing a couple of things in your router menu.

  3. Have you tried resetting the router/modem and your computer? It's tough to tell since you didn't give much info on your internet setup.

  4. Is your modem working? that's a question to consider.

    If it is, then you should refresh your IP address.

    To do so, type this into Command Prompt: ipconfig /refresh

  5. The Default Gateway setting must be the IP Address of the NAT enabled router that will assign your address. Without a Default Gateway assigned you can not connect to the internet.

    I hope this helps.


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