
I have exams soon and im bad at studying..?

by  |  earlier

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i can never concentrate and i tell meyself evberyday ill do it ill do it but nothing gets done unless its ladt minute....any tips...only optimistic people because otherwise dont waste your time on stupid answers just for points




  1. common problems with student try this

    Don't call yourself stupid you can be genious...start setting goal little ..the goal you can achieve easily repeat it then make your goal harder harder...  

    You have to take interest try to creat intrest

    try to concentrate first of all only 1 min then 2 min .....10 min ....30Min ...45Min ....dont try to concentrate on the same subject change your subject as if you are studing math shift the math to physics and after studing 45 min you may switch back to math and so on....Trust me it is tested mathod

    Remember great people are like us

    Difference is only that  they have set an example of making top level concentration

    If you feel you are totally hopless  you may see a Hyponsis Master He can help you 99%

  2. do not concentrate on the lessons wich u havent studied yet..cos it wont stay in ur mind for long time..just go through thoruoghly all the portions that u have already studied and sure about it.....even if u attend few questions, u could gain full marks in that by doing this..try will be easy only ya. all the best for ur well

  3. You can ask your parents for help,I think.

  4. make a specific time to get out of the house with your books and everything to either a cafe, starbucks, or library. make sure you are there at your specific time and that you stay for a certain amount of time like 3pm-4:30pm. when you are out of the house it's less things to do other than homework. and making a time to leave the house you have to "just do it"

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