
I have fear in giants and other moves. *gymnastics*

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how do i just get over it and just move on.

&& also whats a good method on learning a handstand on the bar.

*please dont be sarcastic* i really want to learn (: plzz





  1. gymnastics is always scary, every time you learn a new move. the only way to get over it is to just go for it. don't think about what could go wrong. get your coach just to stand there to give u confidence and make you feel safe. the first time you do something is always the scariest after that it gets easier each time. you coach is there to make sure you are safe they would not let you do a move if they did not know you were more than capable of doing it.

  2. For your cast handstand:  are you doing it with your legs together, or straddled?  A lot of people find it easier to do straddling up, so if your coaches don't care, give that a try. Either way, make sure you're leaning waaaaay forward and put your head and shoulders down, far out in front of the bar, when you cast.  Your head needs to go down in order for your legs and body to go up.

    A good drill for cast handstands is to do press handstands on the floor.  That not only develops your strength, but it gets you used to leaning forward, the way you do in a cast.  Another good drill is "hollow back presses".  Lay down on a folded-up panel mat, with your hands on the floor and your chest hanging off a bit.  Arch your back and rock back and forth a few times, then try to arch all the way into a handstand.  It's the same motion as a cast handstand.

    One of the scariest things about a cast handstand is thinking "what if I go all the way over?"  And the truth is, sometimes you WILL go all the way over.  And that's okay, if you know what to do and how to land safely.  So practice going over.  If you have a low trainer bar, bounce off a mini-tramp or springboard into a handstand and go all the way over.  Or stack some mats in front of the bar and just kick up and over.  Practicing the landing will give you more confidence.

    Giants:  If you can already do them with a spot, or by yourself on a strap bar, then there's no reason you can't do them by yourself on a regular bar.  Try to think carefully about what makes them scary - specifically what you're scared of - and then come up with some drills that will help you get over that fear.  

    If you're worried about what will happen if you don't make it all the way around... then practice not making it around.  If you're scared of casting up and falling over the bar, practice doing that!  Just like with the cast handstands.  If you know what to do and how to fall out of the skill, then attempting the giant won't be so scary.  

    I hope this helps some!  Good luck!

  3. Honestly ractice ractice practice! I am  a level 10 gymnast and i have been through many fears! you just have to do them and maybe have a spot or something!

    Gymnastics is a mind challaging sport! everything that you do is going to be scary  or something but the more you do it the better and easier it will be! Never give up! For a handstand just start casting and start getting higher and higher =]] you end up casting really high! just make sure you have a mat or something in case you fall

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