
I have feelings for my female boss but i don't know what to do.?

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My boss and i get along really good. She's married and has children and I'm straight. We went drinking after work the other night and got a little tipsy. After a while we started kissing and dirty dancing together. I think i have feelings for her now but i don't know what to do. I pretty sure she feels the same way about me. But now at work she favors me over the other workers and is always happy around me now. She also stairs deeply into my eyes every time we talk. it just such an amazing feeling. but i know it wrong. please help.




  1. are you a man or a woman??? does she stare deeply into your eyes while you are walking up or down the stairs? whatever s*x you are, i see this as a win win situation. make sure you get her drunk and take a lot of pictures (job security) and make sure you ask her for a raise. good luck and i hope this helps.

  2. That is a no-no. you guys work together, she is married! And with children.Ask yourself this...if that was your wife would you want her to kiss someone else other than you? I don't think so.You its wrong!!! I was just in a 2yr relationship found out he cheated on me and had a child.Remember, this that is your BOSS and she is married with children!

  3. noo!!! don't go anywhere near a married mother!

    just think about how it'll s***w up her family. this can't possibly end well.

  4. Do not go near a married person especially if they have children. If you really like her then let her stay with her family and be happy.

    But if it turns out she likes you back then I guess you could make a move because she is obviously not happy in her life at the moment.

    Hope that helps x

  5. Not good at all. She could get into alot of trouble at work mif she uses her position in anyway to coax you into something or could even cost you your job if you arent careful. Best bet is just to ignore this and let it die. Nothing good could ever come of this so ignore it and stay on a business level

  6. Walk away! It will only get ugly,trust me.  

  7. Tell her you enjoy her and like being around her but to keep people from talking keep it cool around work.

  8. she is obviously attracted to you, its a tough one..

    do you really want to be responsible for the break up of her marriage? I think for the sake of her family maybe you should break it off... but then again, if she is unhappy in her marriage and you can bring some happiness to each other, then go for it.. it depends on the context.

  9. Be careful not to offend her, by that i mean to reject her because she's your boss. Maybe you should take it slowly but go along, i donno. But then again, she has children and married so it's more complicated.

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