
I have few questions for mothers with colic babies...?

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How long does it last for your baby?

How do you deal with it?

What are the good ways to calm your baby down?

Please give me good advices.

My daughter is 8 weeks old and she is colic.




  1. Colic, like all medical conditions, is different for every patient.  There are things that help control the symptoms.  Check with your pediatrician about Simethicone drops, available in a generic and at Wal Mart for 5 or 6 bucks.  Laying your daughter on a warmed blanket across your lap on her stomach, white noise helps distract them, running water, the vacuum.  For my son the vibrating chair was the answer, for my daughter it was the swing.  Every child is different.  Their colic subsided when I started them on solid food, rice cereal, at 4 months old.   Good luck  

  2. My daughter had colic as well. She cried and screamed a lot when she was a newborn and it was very frustrating. Sometimes there is really nothing you can do except trying other formulas is she is not breastfeeding. Just know that as long as you are trying to do something she will be fine and it will eventually go away or alteast improve at about 6 months or so. Our daugher is 18 months now and it seems like forever ago that she had it. Now she is fine. My husband used to walk her when she was very fussy sometimes for hours, lol. Hope this helps and good luck.

  3. Both of my babies were colicky (so much for one crying - one calm, ha-ha). I had to seriously modify my eating habits - no chocolate, no caffeine, no onions, broccoli, cauliflower cabbage, spicy foods, peppers, etc - the bbestlist I got was from Medela pump breastfeeding guide). I tried colic water - you have to give the baby too much through the syringe, after they digest it - they f**t, p**p, and 2 hours later we are back at the scream fest.

    So I laid there with my babies (with only a diaper on) on my bare skin - chest, stomach, sometimes neck) and spanked their bottoms (lovingly) while humming - it's the vibrations that made them fall asleep eventually... OH!!! Gerber Gas Drops - the fruit ones really helped me with my second one, just make sure you burp your baby really good - that air is the main cause of colic when it turns into gas :(

    Main thing - do not get too frystratfrustratedit really gets to you, just lay the baby in the crib (safely) and walk out of the room and count to ten - colic will be over in a few months - it took my daughter 4 month!

    I feel you pain and you a definitely not alone!

  4. My daughter is also 8 weeks old and has colic.  She started at about 3 weeks, and cries for up to 4 hours at a time.  It can be so exhausting, lol, for both of us.  

    The only thing that seems to help my baby is constant walking.  I bought a really good carrier, which helps me with back ache since i pace for hours with her.

    I have tried alot of the advice others have, but nothing seems to make a difference but walking.

    Good luck, if you find a good one that works let me know, lol.  Email me if you ever need to just talk.  I find that helps me stay sane.


  5. My son would settle down when I took him in the bathroom closed the door and ran the bathtub on full blast.  

  6. My first 2 kids had colic and it was horrible! I did learn a few tricks that helped though. They liked to be held on their tummy facing down. Vibrating is great. If you have a bassinet or one of those bouncers or other carrier that vibrates, this helps. I actually bought a crib rocker that fit onto the end of my crib and vibrated the crib. It was sound activated so that when my baby would wake up crying in the middle of the night it would turn on. As far as eating different foods while breast-feeding, nothing made colic worse or better. I stopped eating chocolate, broccoli, dairy, and my babies still had colic. Just hang in there, colic ends at about 3 months old.

  7. 1. colic lasts 3 months but my daughter never had colic but I did and that's what my parents told me that it lasts 3 months.

    2. You just deal with it, that's no good or bad way to to deal with it.

    3. You can't calm a baby that has colic, they just scream for 3 months.

  8. I went through this with my daughter as well... (also named Ava)

    It felt like a lifetime but ended at 2 1/2 months

    The only way I "dealt" with it was to get help from family.

    Sleep when baby sleeps

    Rocking her helped a bit, but if you put her face down and cradle her in your arms that may helped. My daughter loved that and still does.

    I also heard giving gripe water 4 x a day can help

    My paediatrican suggested Pro Biotic drops called Bio gaia which worked. Look it up. Your paediatrician can suggest some things as well.

    Warm baths and baby massages

    If you are formula feeding...I switched to Enfamil Gentlease (for babies with gassiness and fussiness) I think she improved quite a bit with this but my doctor said she most likely grew out if it

    Honestly nature will take its course and I never really found something that "cured" it. It just went away overnight

    Hang in there! It will get better:)

  9. hello,  when my sons and grand kids were colicky i placed a warm towel, from the dryer, over ny shoulder and laid them on my chest so the warmth of the towel covered their little bellies.and just snuggled them to me.  it seemed to help them drift off to sleep.  colic comes and goes it hurts you to know your baby is in pain and you feel helpless.  please try to stay calm yourself, your baby knows when you're upset and that scares her.  and if at all possible when she is napping take a nap with her.  You're run down, tired and easy to get upset right now, so please it's very important for your baby and you that you get some much needed rest!  The housework will still be there when you're more rested and better able to get that done.  Right now you and your precious baby are what's most important!  

  10. I know there is medication you can buy to give the baby, my friends son had colic when he was first born and her paediatrician recommended some stuff to her and it worked great!  I would ask your doctor about some options to help you and your baby out with this.  Good luck to you!

  11. my son had this you can try a different formula or cut out soy,nuts,dairy,fish,and wheat from your diet if you bf. Colic peaks around 2-3 months and normally goes away by 4 months so hang in there

    You can try puting the baby in a bouncer seat on top of the washer or dry when it is going but stay by her! The vib. clams them down. turn a fan on for some white noise or put the tv on a channle that doesnt come in.

  12. try a different formula or if you are breast feeding eat foods that wont give your baby gas. burp her

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