
I have fixed up a weathervane corectly I want to know if the arrow point is facing between?

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south and east where is the wind coming from, would it be a north west wind




  1. Weather vane(or wind vane) is a device for indicating the direction from which the wind is blowing .When well exposed and accurately balanced this weather vane where the pointer(or arrow) faces the direction from where the wind arrives,will show the correct wind direction in moderate and strong winds.

    Wind vane contains a horizontal arm provided with a pointer on one end and an aero foil of stream line section at the other.The end offering the greatest resistance(aero foil) to the motion of air goes to lee side.

  2. For most applications, that would be referred as a southeast wind, since wind direction is typically termed by what direction the wind is blowing FROM, and your vane is designed to point to the direction where the wind is coming from.

  3. The arrow points to where the wind is coming from   .. No if arrow points    South east  then wind  is from that direction

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