
I have fleas can u help me?

by Guest63422  |  earlier

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My cat had some fleas and we tried to control it but they got in the carpets, now were just infested and so is my poor cat, what are some recommendations to help get rid of them we tried carpet killer but then the ones left on my cat will just get in the carpets and lay eggs...please help




  1. I just had the same problem about a month ago.. first things first, dont be cheap when it comes to flea control.. the cheap stuff doesnt work!! give your cat a bath with shampoo that kills fleas and eggs, and temporarily get the cat out of the house..(take it to the kennel or a friend's house for a couple of days.)

    Go to Wal-Mart and buy RAID FLEA BOMBS.. they're in orange-labeled cans and come in a pack of 3. Let one bomb off in every room.. and make sure to read the label. You have to leave the house ASAP for about four hours. When you return home, they should be gone. Vacuum well afterwards.. you can even use Raid flea spray to spray-guard doors and windows.

    I had fleas in my apartment really bad and this method works!!! I tried Borax, lemon juice, and insect spray and it didnt work. Also, if you wanna see just how bad your flea problem is, fill a bowl up with soapy water before you let the bombs off. Leave the bowl in the middle of the room. The fleas will jump into the bowl and drown.

    I know how stressful the flea situtation is.. I still have marks on my body from the flea bites... TRUST ME, THE RAID FLEA BOMBS WORK!!!.. AND REMEMBER TO PUT ONE IN EACH ROOM.. Good Luck!!

  2. I have the same problem with my dog!! Ive been bathing him everyday. You should vacumm and yes clean your carpet just wash everything your cat has touched, but ive been doing all of that and there still here I dont know howw they keep coming back I took away his bed, washed ALL of the blankets, try all of that and see if it works any better for you

  3. Bathe in tomato actually works VERY VERY well!!!

  4. There is a pill you can get at the vet for like $5 (In TN) called CapStar.  It immediately kills all the fleas on the animal once they take it.  You can then give them frontline plus which kills the eggs and larvae.  That will give you an upper hand with your cat.  As for your house, you have to buy the flea spray for your house.  You can get it at Wal-Mart (Hartz Flea and Tick Home Spray).

  5. You should get Advantage.  It's way better than Frontline.  Make sure to put it on every month though, and within 3 months your entire house should be flea free.  You don't even have to use stuff in your carpet.  The advantage will take care of it all.  They'll bite your cat and then die.

  6. NEVER use flea and tick products made by HARTZ! More than 33,000 incidents of severe illness and death have been linked to Hartz "treatments" in the past eight years alone.

    Other brands you should NEVER use include Sergeant’s, Sentry, Farnam, Adam’s, Bio Spot, Scratchex, Flys-Off, Zodiac, or Vet Kem.

    Talk to your vet about safe, effective recommendations. Also, there are plenty of preventative measures you can take, and holistic treatments can be extremely effective.

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