
I have fleas in my car, I have sprayed with home spray 3 times now. How do I get rid & stay rid of them?

by  |  earlier

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I also have them under my house & everywhere else. I need to kill them all & soon!




  1. Take your pet(s) to a licensed veternarian and have them dipped and put on a flea preventative.  I would call a reputable exterminator and have your pets at the vet the day they come to treat your home and exterior.  If your yard is shaded, then the exterminator will treat those areas with a residual insecticide with an insect growth regulator.  You won't get ALL of the fleas with only one treatment, since the chemicals do not kill the eggs.  Treat your car the same way you would treat the home, but your exterminator may not be licensed to treat a "moving vehicle" depending on his certification.  Fleas can live up to 90 days without a blood meal, so keep that in mind.  Hatching eggs take around 20 to 30 days to reach incubation.  Keeping your pet on a flea preventative will help for sure.  

  2. Fleas lay larvae in dust, like in the corners of your home or in your car.  I had a bad infestation for a few months and got so frustrated i couldnt stand it.  I actually got a glass, filled it with water and everytime i saw a flea on my ankle i would drown the b*****d (bc its so hard to kill, them, put them in water and they cant jump or climb the sides)... i counted over a hundred just in the glass...  what ended up getting rid of them were flea collars and spray for the animals, flea powder for the floors and MOST IMPORTANTLY a really good and thourough cleaning of the areas where dust collects, vacuum and steam clean, make sure you get rid of the vacuum bag afterwords.

  3. If you have a large infestation, as you seem to have, you should call an exterminator. That way, you can be sure they use the right chemical to protect your pets & children.  As for your car, I'd set off one of those bug bombs inside your closed car, leave it closed overnight.  Have your pets dipped.

  4. Sounds NASTY!!!! but sounds as if shane got this one pretty much on the head...... If they are that bad!!! you need a pro to come in and do the whole house as well as the car.... I do belive they do that set up a tent thing and use some kind of real nasty poision .....

    I don't know how many animals you have or where you live but I hope you get this under control as quickly as possible ... and if need be , call your local health dept if the situation is too bad!! they may beable to help as well....

    Good Luck!

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