
I have fleas in my room and itch loads at night. ive pressured washed my room and also hoovered loads.?

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i cant go to sleep as the itching gets so bad.. ive also tried lavender and special flea spray. these have been in my room for like, two weeks. how can i get rid of them? and what shall i do to get some kip!? ive lost loads of sleep because of this!!!!!!!




  1. Hi

    Strip the bed and vacuum both sides of the mattress.

    Ray. West York's. U.K.

  2. Assuming ( I hope!) that you are talking about animal fleas, rather than human fleas, they will die out in the absence of an animal host, as they can't live on humans, though they can bite them. Unfortunately the eggs can remain dormant in carpets and furnishings for up to 6 months. If you pop to the chemist, or the vet you can buy a number of preparations to deal with them.There are also numerous products available on line.

  3. Were they from a pet?    Open windows all the time - spray your mattress and carpets with a flea spray - change all the bedding, wash everything including curtains...   spray carpets with an anti-flea spray, should be able to get that from a pet shop - and keep animals out of your room young lady!

  4. well, first of all you need to treat your animal then the room because they'll just multiply.

  5. I had the same problem, except it was my whole house.

    What I would do if I were you is go out and buy some of those bug bombers. You can find them at any store, they don't cost much.

    Put one in each room and set them off. Leave your house for like 6 hours and come back all the fleas should be dead, and the stuff keeps killing long after you spray.

    Make sure you cover up all personal belongings that you don't want to get ruined. Like paintings, sculptures, clothes etc.

    While you're waiting 6 hours go out and get everything dry cleaned.

    Bed sheets, comforters, clothes, etc.

    I didn't think these "bug bombers" would work and I didn't wanna try them but my dad wouldn't stop bugging me about it so I finally gave in and tried it. I haven't seen one flea since!

    Good luck!

    Other alternatives are: cleaning, Vacuum your mattress, wash everything, spray everywhere with flea spray. If you want to get rid of the fleas completely use a bomb!

  6. Try Vinegar Water, equal part. Spray your bedroom floor and mattress. I have 3 cats and that's what I use. It won't hurt you or animals.

  7. You have to treat the pet and the entire house and furniture, and carpets.

    see the link for great info

  8. They could be bed bugs.Bed bugs hide in the mattress seam.Try different things.Get moth balls and place them all over the area.The smell makes them drowsy and they don't bite,and crucially don't breed.Place inside the bed linen.Keep your room scrupulously clean.Vacuum everyday including the mattress and around the seams.Turn the mattress each day.Get Rentokil Insectrol,and spray on your hands and then lightly spread across your skin.Wash everything as much as poss.Only very high temperatures kill the blighters.If you put your duvet cover in the freezer for five hours they die (must be very cold area)They hold their breath for a long time so you can't drown them.But temp extremes do.Lastly get the professional in,yes it's pricey but you get to sleep.Bed bugs are brought in from other people's houses.fleas make lot of consecutive TINY bite marks,bed bugs you get a more swollen area around the bite

  9. Go down to the vets and get some flea spray and spray the room / house. Try rubbing your bites with ice cubes and make sure you wash your bedding.

  10. sleep somewhere else

  11. Maybe should call an extermiator.  

  12. Lol, pressure washed!?  That's how I clean my patio, I hope you mean steamed.  

    Are you 100% sure they're fleas and not bedbugs or something?  You might need to get a pest control person to come in.

  13. Get a flea bomb.These are available at supermarkets.let it off & keep your room closed up for the day or half the day atleast.Go to the vet  or pet shop & also get a treatment for the pet you are allowing to sleep in your room.

  14. you sure its fleas?

    && try them bug peole ... erm exsterminatior!!

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