
I have found lots of moths in my car, how can I get rid of them?

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For the last few nights my car alarm has been going off... only for me to find it was a moth setting it off!! I must have removed at least 10 from my car in just over 2weeks!! Any idea why they're in my car, where they could be hiding and how I could get rid of them??? Thank you!!!




  1. Park you vehicle on some new blacktop and roll up the windows on a sunny day.   Bake them out.

  2. find someone with a lot of balls.

    we used to have moth ball fights when we were kids but the 'naphthalene' (now that's a long word) stunk out the whole place.

    Is your car in a garage?

    Would opening the window and leaving a light on help

    or is that what happened and the moths took refuge inside your car when the sun came up

  3. Get some cedarwood balls and put them in the car, they act as a natural moth repellent  Get them from

  4. Sounds weird. Is that big moths or small ones? If it's the small ones then you have a source of contamination inside your car. Won't get rid of them until you find it.

  5. Put some sandalwood incense in your car with the windows up.  

    Keep your home free of pests, moths, cockroaches, mosquitos and spiders ... New Mountain sandalwood sticks.

  6. Think your car has got 'moth'.  You can easily kill moths with an insect killer spray.  Or simply put loads of moth-balls in your car, on the seats etc.

    Here's the orb-weaver spider an expert at killing moths. . . .

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